Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Poor Frank / Internal Conflict - Short Story Blog 1 (Week Three. Eveline)

"He rushed beyond the barrier and called to her to follow. He was shouted at to go on but he still called to her. She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition."

~ James Joyce, Eveline

So, during the story, the main character Eveline is faced with a dilemma - do I leave for Buenos Aires with my fiance who I don't really love to escape my domestic problems, or do I stay home with my imminently abusive father because my mother's death wish was for me to keep the family together? That's some deep stuff. Let's take a closer look.

Obviously, Eveline has had some problems from her past. Her father physically abused her brothers and her mother (I think, but don't quote me). However, I don't think he didn't love her; they had some good times together and he always worked hard for her and the family. Eveline loved her mother, so when her mom was dying and told her to take care of the family, this probably created a lot of the conflict she is feeling. But there is still a whole other level added to this internal tug-of-war. Eveline is engaged to Frank, a man who really loves her and is willing to provide for her and make her happy; she always thinks of him as a "savior" though, not someone she can love, like you are supposed to do when you have a fiance. Basically, he is her lame excuse to leave her family and temporarily escape from her home life. So what it boils down to is the decision between a safe, loveless life free of concern or a more emotionally oscillating life filled with love, resentment, and catharsis. In the end, she chose her family. I think she made the right choice.

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