Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Milestone in Blogging - Short Story Blog 4 (Miss Brill)

"She sat there for a long time. The box that the fur came out of was on the bed. She unclasped the necklet quickly; quickly, without looking laid it inside. But when she put the lid on she thought she heard something crying."

~ Katherine Mansfield, Miss Brill

Guess what? This is the first week in a long time that I haven't written a hate blog. There wasn't a story for which I had a strong dislike. Woo

Okay, so I'm just going to give my personal reaction to this story. Miss Brill was a bit obnoxious at the beginning. She thought she was hot stuff because she was better than everybody and into fashion. She was very vain for an old person; usually they are supposed to mature and get past that stuff. She only looked at appearances, and she didn't even consider herself old. It was like she was stuck in middle school - you know, when girls think they are cool because they have the best clothes and judge other people relentlessly. This bothered me. But then at the end, when the couple was making fun of her, I felt really bad. I think everyone has had that humbling moment in their lives - or they will experience it sometime in the near future - and that just sucks. Also, everyone has acted like Miss Brill at the beginning of the story, and even though we should all be put in our place sometimes, the couple was really harsh. I felt awful for Miss Brill when she was in her room, and she was really ashamed of her pelt thing, which she had been so proud of before someone said something. Only emoticons can express my feelings for this story - : ( 

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