Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Family Guy Minus the Funny - Short Story Blog 4 (Hunters in the Snow)

" 'You almost ran me down,' Tub said. 'You could've killed me.'
'Come on, Tub,' said the man beside the driver. 'Be mellow. Kenny was just messing around.' He opened the door and slid over to the middle of the seat."

~ Tobias Wolff, Hunters in the Snow

Earlier, this story was compared to the show Family Guy. While that is pretty accurate - dysfunctional characters, strange situations, moderate violence - it did lack one thing: humor. Now, I'm not saying that it was a bad story. It could be worse. But it seemed that if the author had taken a more humorous spin on it, the story really would have been great. The characters whine and complain pretty much the whole time, and they are really mean to each other. Yeah, I guess it's "friend humor", but it seemed to go beyond that. I think that gave it an angst-y tone that reminded me of petty high school drama. Family Guy is just hilarious. So, to make up for the dramatic stuff that happens in the story, I am going to put as many clean clips of Family Guy as I can find on here.

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