Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Modern Fairy Tales - Short Story Blog 3 (Once Upon a Time)

"Next day he pretended to be the Prince who braves the terrible thicket of thorns to enter the palace and kiss the Sleeping Beauty back to life: he dragged a ladder to the wall, the shining coiled tunnel was just wide enough for his little body to creep in..."

~ Nadine Gordimer, Once Upon a Time

At first, I wasn't really sure what to do for this blog. But, after realizing how popular fairy tales have been lately, I decided to write something about all the different adaptions of them.

The original Sleeping Beauty came out in 1959. This is the classic.

The Disney movie Enchanted came out in 2007. It follows Giselle, a fairy tale character who fell into a magic well and was then trapped in modern-day New York City. But be warned: in large quantities, this movie may induce cephalalgia and a strong hatred for pathological idealists.

A new series called Once Upon a Time recently came out on ABC. It follows the daughter of Snow White, who is imprisoned in reality with every other fairy tale character, all of whom are unaware of their identities and doomed to a fate of unhappiness.

A new movie Snow White and the Huntsman is coming out next year. I think it's like the Snow White story except it's supposed to be darker.

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