Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fiery Phoenix / Indirect Characterization - Short Story Blog 2 (A Worn Path)

"She walked on. The shadows hung from the oak trees to the road like curtains. Then she smelled wood-smoke, and smelled the rier, and she saw a steeple and the cabins on their steep steps. Dozens of little black children whirled around her. There ahead was Natchez shining. Bells were ringing. She walked on."

~ Eudora Welty, A Worn Path

I think it looks more like a dragon, but you get the point. 
Pheonix Jackson is the protagonist of this short story. She has a very interesting personality, but it isn't revealed directly. It's time for another adventure in indirect characterization! Yay. So basically, Phoenix is a very determined, strong woman with a fiery personality (hence the blog title). Not only does she travel miles to find her grandson's medicine, but she does it with fervor; she never lets anything get her down until she reaches her destination. Some of her personality is also portrayed in her description at the beginning. She wears bright clothes and a red rag, which reflects her personality. Also, her name gives insight into her qualities. A phoenix is a powerful bird that thrives in fire (it arises from the ashes. That's where it is born). Just like the phoenix, Phoenix is a strong-willed woman who faces difficulties and overcomes them.

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