Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tommy vs. Ruth: Character Studies/ Foil Characters ( Chapters 8 and 9/ Pages 90-111)

"So you see, it's got to be you to our rescue. Tommy and I were made for each other and he'll listen to you. You'll do it for us, won't you, Kathy?"

~ Never Let Me Go, page 104

First I want to say that I was so furious when I found out Ruth and Tommy were dating. It's all backwards and sick and twisted and frustrating! It's supposed to be Tommy and Kathy!

Next I would like to point out the irony in the quote. 1) If Ruth and Tommy actually were made for each other, he would be able to listen to her and reconcile the differences. Also, she would be able to communicate with him without worry. 2) If Ruth needs Kathy to talk to Tommy and salvage the relationship, little red flags should be going off in her head right about now.

Lastly I will contrast the differences between Tommy and Ruth who are definitely foil characters to each other.

  • Ruth is a leader. She is inclined to control situations (and people for that matter) and wants to be accepted and revered by her friends. Tommy is basically an outsider with a couple close friends here and there. 
  • Ruth manipulates people and ridicules them. Tommy was relentlessly taunted for years by people like Ruth. 
  • Ruth is very clever and intelligent - she understands the situations she is in, and she knows how to relate to people to get what she wants. Tommy is naive and innocent. The way he displays his emotions is very childlike and honest. 

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