" "It's not so bad now," she said, even though the rain was steady as ever. "Let's just go out there. Then maybe the sun will come out too." "
~ Never Let Me Go, page 81-82
So Miss Lucy just told the kids very directly that they will have to donate when they get older and that they have no control over their futures. She thought that was what they needed, and maybe it was, but it seemed to darken the mood over the whole class. When she was done, she looked out at the rain and the fields and said the quote above. At first, I almost thought she was still talking about donating and what's ahead for these kids. What's funny is that this quote does somewhat parallel the attitude that the students have. They know that they will have to do, but they still take on life and think that it may be better for them; they may have a happy life with a successful job, but they know the harsh realities that will soon face them, even if they don't understand them. This is really quite depressing for me. I wish there was a way to give them something else to look forward to - something like a career or children.
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