Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ja-queeese - Drama Blog 3 (As You Like It)

To be honest, this play was pretty decent. However, the thing that probably bothered me the most was how Jaques' name is pronounced. OKAY PEOPLE, can you please do you and your child a favor and name them something normal and easy to pronounce?? They are in France. He should pronounce it jahck, not ja-queese.

His name reminds me of more.... ahem.... ghetto names these days. It seems like names are just getting more and  more ridiculous. Here are some examples.

Orangejello (oh-rahn-gel-lo): it is in fact not pronounced like "Orange Jell-O."

La-a (la-dash-ah): the punctuation is now being called by name, not pronounced phonetically. But stay tuned! There's another interesting one coming up.

Yohiness/ Yomajesty (yo-high-ness and yo-maj-es-tee): These are legit twin names that have been put on birth certificates.

L' (lah-po-strofe): I swear this was my dad's co-worker's daughter's name. Just L-apostrophe.

Well, I hope you enjoyed laughing at these ridiculous and unnecessary names.

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