Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sarcasm at Its Best - Short Story Blog 4 (You're Ugly, Too)

" 'I knew a dog who could do that,' said Zoe, with her mouth full."

~ Lorrie Moore, You're Ugly, Too

First of all, I would just like to say that I have used this joke twice since I read this story. And that dry humor is probably my favorite. I enjoyed Zoe's sense of humor and sarcasm throughout the story. I think the reasons for her jokes is really depressing though - she's so insecure about herself that she pushes people away before she can screw it up herself. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's entertaining, but just a little sad. Her rough exterior is completely different from her fragile self-image which could shatter at any given moment. It's a little ridiculous that she would even think other people care about her appearances at all - once someone's horrible personality is revealed, looks are kind of out of the question. It makes you think about how her insecurities are completely deluding her perception of how people receive her humor.

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