Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Know Who I Want to Take Me Home - Short Story Blog 3 (The Drunkard)

" 'Whisht, whisht, whisht, I tell you!' snarled Father, abandoning all pretence of amusement and dragging me along behind him by the hand. I was maddened by the women's shrieks of laughter. I was maddened by Father's bullying. I tried to dig in my heels but he was too powerful for me, and I could only see the women by looking back over my shoulder."

~ Frank O'Connor, The Drunkard

I really enjoyed this story. It was really funny imagining a twelve-year old drunk, because that's like my little brother.

                                                             He's right there --------------->

And if he got my mom's genes, he would be hammered off of a half glass of wine. Hehehehe.

It's also funny to imagine the twelve year old cursing at a bunch of women in his drunken stupor. And being dragged home by his dad. And the mother praising him the next morning. It was just a bunch of events all piled up into one story that was so wrong and funny at the same time. It made me giggle.

Well here's a song that I thought of when I thought of bars.

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