Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Walking the Line - Poetry Blog 5 (Mr. Z)

The last poem I read provoked a lot of thought for me. Mr. Z is about a Jewish man who is defying racial stereotypes. However, he may be taking this idea too far. One could definitely argue that he is losing touch with his heritage. The poem reveals that the line between breaking through the glass ceiling and losing oneself is shockingly thin. Yes, we should try to integrate other cultures into our own and be tolerant of everyone. Even considering this, it's important for other races to embrace their heritage. They shouldn't pretend to be white or any other majority race just to fit in - that would be denying their own identities. Even at the end of the poem, the critics who wrote about his death explicitly categorized him as a Jew despite his efforts to be seen as more than that. While people shouldn't stereotype or focus only on color, different races should really accept and take pride in their race while also achieving something more.

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