Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Life Is Plastic, It's Fantastic! / Irony - Poetry Blog 2 (Barbie Doll)

First of all, hahahahahahahahahahahaaa -------->

Caesarean-section Barbie!

Next, I am a bit conflicted during this poem. I have moments when I think I know exactly what is happening, but then something comes up and I'm ridiculously confused. I get that it's about a girl who isn't perfect and who traditionally wouldn't be considered beautiful. The poem emphasizes the vanity of humanity (I'm sorry, I had to). The last stanza is confusing to me though. I'm not exactly sure what just happened - did she get plastic surgery, or is that metaphorical? Did the plastic surgery go awry and contribute to her death? Was she just made over by the mortician?

As I promised in the title, I will now talk about the irony. While I don't know all the details of her death, apparently, she is really attractive when she is dead. "Doesn't she look pretty? everyone said" contrasts to their opinions of her when she was alive and ugly. "Consummation at last" reveals the irony that she finally got the praise that she wanted, but she was dead when it came about. Also, "To every woman a happy ending" is dark irony because we don't associate death with a "happy ending."

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