Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Flashback (Chapter 8/ Pages 123-140)

" 'Explain what?'
  'This.' He indicated the pueblo. 'That.' And it was the little house outside the village. 'Everything. All your life.'
  'But what is there to say?'
  'From the beginning. As far back as you can remember.' "

~ Brave New World, page 123

In chapter 7, a new character with a different life perspective is introduced. John provides us a flashback of defining events in his life living on an Indian Reservation. The flashback shows that his life has not been easy, and at times it seemed unbearable. As the only Caucasian person besides his naive, inexperienced mother, he faced discrimination throughout his life. He endured not only antilocution, but also physical abuse. The flashback indirectly characterized John as a strong individual. It also showed the similarities between John and Bernard. It made a connection between John and Bernard, as they were both outsiders in their worlds.

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