Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Watch These. - Drama Blog 3 (A Raisin in the Sun)

Overall, I have really liked this book. I think the thing I like best about it is that none of the characters are annoying. There are some I don't like (cough WALTER cough cough) but I can definitely tolerate reading about them and I can sympathize with them regardless. The book is so real and honest, but it also incorporates life's lighthearted, humorous moments too. I feel like there have been a lot of really good movies set in this era (20'a to 60's) that are focused on the Civil Rights Movement, slavery, and on African -American families in general.

We read Their Eyes Were Watching God last year in Sander's class, and it wasn't too bad. Not my favorite though, personally. (I don't have a video for this one; I couldn't find a good one :( )

I've never seen The Color Purple, but I've heard it's a great play and movie.

I read The Secret Life of Bees a couple years ago for a book report, and it turned out to be really good, even though I had to write several papers on it.

The Help is the newest movie about the Civil Rights Movement Era, and it evokes a whole gamut of emotion from hatred to humor to fervor for justice and change. It's fantastic.

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