Monday, January 30, 2012

It Takes Two to Tango - Drama Blog 3 (Othello)

"A liberal hand. The hearts of old gave hands,/ But our new heraldry is hands, not hearts."

~ Othello, Othello III.iv.40-41

Okay, food for thought: why is it such a big deal that a woman cheats on her husband, but no one cares when a man has approximately 12 mistresses?

Think about it. Othello is apparently so mad that he is going to violently kill Desdemona for cheating on him, but supposedly he also is screwing Iago's wife? (Okay, that is not proven. But if it was true, who would do anything? Iago is trying to get revenge, but Othello would not be formally punished.) What the heck?? I think I just don't understand what constitutes a man's right to murder a woman who cheats while he is doing the exact same thing and no one says anything. And it still applies today to an extent - if a girl cheats on a guy or sleeps around a lot (or in some cases (especially high school) even if she only has sex once), she is automatically a dirty little whore. But if a guy cheats or sleeps around, DON'T WORRY! IT'S OKAY! He is only satisfying his overactive sex drive and I guess that is perfectly acceptable in this society. I'm not saying that women should go out and cheat and not be punished for it, but I'm just trying to convey that if you are going to call a girl a slut for sleeping around, you might as well acknowledge her man-ho counterpart. I am only striving for equality! Also, if a girl wants to be - ahem - expressive with her assets, then who are you to judge her? Just saying.

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